17 de julio de 2016

Hair Fair 2016!

A new round of Hair Fair is here! Come on, take a walk and catch all the amazing free gifts! Thanks to all the designers!

Here you have some gifts from the fair:

1. Lelutka
2. Besom
3. Little Bones
4. Tram

1. Tukinowaguma
2. No.Match
3. YumYum
4. Vallani
1. Love
2. Mithral
3. Iconic

4. Zalea

1. Alice Proyect
2. Amacci
3. Mello
4. Analog Dog

I'm wearing:
Head: Genesis Lab - Angie Emotions Rare. From gatcha (not free 99L per play)
Body: Maitreya - Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V3.5 (not free)
Top: Chic Princess - Alice Summer Top (free  - Third Life group gift, 5L to join)
Shorts: Addams - Malena Denim Shorts (not free)

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